Top 10 Walks in Miami Beach
Miami Beach is a wonderful place for dogs and their owners to enjoy some sun, sand, and fun. Here's a fun list of some of Waggy Tail’s best spots for dog walks…

Waggy Tail’s Holiday Gift Guide for Dogs
The holidays should be special for your furry friends as well as your human ones! After all, your pets are like family members, and they deserve to receive delightful gifts as well. Whether you’re shopping for your own dogs or for those of a relative or friend, check out Waggy Tail’s holiday gift guide for dogs to get the scoop on the coolest puppy presents.

Pets and Hot Weather
Summer is here! While 2020 brings a special sort of summer with social distancing restrictions, certain activities including having fun and caring for your furry friends will continue even during these unprecedented times.

5 Ways to keep your Dog Stress Free this Winter
It’s a well-known fact that the holidays can cause a lot of stress for humans. But what about your furry friends? Have you noticed that your pets sometimes become more stressed around the holidays, too? Waggy Tail Pet Care will get your pup outside this winter!

Is Pet Care a Great Idea?
Love and attention are an important part of our pet’s lives and, sometimes, we are not able to provide them with all of the attention that they deserve and need. Dogs are a lot like hoomans: the same way that socialization is very important during hooman development, dogs need to socialize not only with hoomans but with other pets in general. Doggy Day Care can be a great tool for your furry friend to spend some time practicing his or her social skills. Here are Waggy Tail’s reasons why Doggy Daycare is on our list of pup approved services.

Leaving your Feline Alone? How Long is too Long??
Cats are well known for being a bit more aloof than dogs. They tend to prefer their space, and many of them seem to be fond of alone time. So when you’re preparing to leave on a weekend trip, a vacation, or even just an overnight out of town, you might consider the possibility of leaving your feline friend alone for a while. But how long is too long? Before you decide on the best care options for your pet during your absence, consider a few important factors.

Summer is Here Miami! Grooming Tips to Keep your Pet Cool
Summer in Miami is no joke! Its critical to make sure our long-haired pets remain cool and comfortable through the hot summer months. Soaring temps can pose a real threat to cats and dogs, just as it can to humans. As a responsible pet owner, it’s up to you to make sure your pet is safe during the hotter months in Miami.

Covid-19: How Waggy Tail is Keeping you and our Pet Care Professionals Safe
During this time where the whole world is at a reset, we are taking time to be still and reflect on what matters most. Taking time to reach out to friends and family to make sure they are safe and well. Thanking the essential workers who continue to work during these trying times to ensure the safety and wellbeing of so many.