Covid-19: How Waggy Tail is Keeping you and our Pet Care Professionals Safe

During this time where the whole world is at a reset, we are taking time to be still and reflect on what matters most. Taking time to reach out to friends and family to make sure they are safe and well. Thanking the essential workers who continue to work during these trying times to ensure the safety and wellbeing of so many.

We are living in a situation that many of us have never experienced in our lifetimes. The Corona Virus Pandemic is creating a new normal for society. Many changes in the way that we interact with others and accomplish daily tasks. Given the emergency, more changes and precautions are surely coming our way. We continue to monitor every update from the city of Miami, the CDC and the World’s Health Organization to adapt our service accordingly.

Waggy Tail Pet Care continues to provide service during the outbreak. This decision has been made after properly analyzing the mandates given by the city and health authorities, and proper instruction has been provided to our pet care professionals to stay protected. Please keep in mind that we may have certain limitations on availability and walk times may be adjusted or shortened based on certain circumstances. Our staff has also been instructed on protocol to keep themselves and others safe while caring for your pet. The following measures will be taken:

  1. Walkers will be required to wash their hands for 20 seconds BEFORE and AFTER each walk.

  2. The use of face masks will be OPTIONAL.

  3. The walkers are REQUIRED to notify us of any changes on their health status. Any walker/sitter with any symptoms will be sent home IMMEDIATELY – walks will be either reassigned or cancelled depending on availability.

  4. Social Distancing is a MUST: park visits will be suspended until further notice. Walkers will be avoiding crowds and public areas.

  5. Walkers have been instructed to limit themselves to a single area while at your home.

  6. A new no-shoe policy is in place: the walkers will leave their shoes at the entrance.

  7. The walker/sitter might opt to use their own leash. If so, it will be the walker’s obligation to sanitize their personal leash.

  8. The walker/sitter will be required to wipe all four paws of the pet before entering the home after the walk.

Keeping everyone safe requires each of us to be on the same page and work as a team. We will also ask that you, as a client, help us during this period of emergency by doing the following:

  1. Make sure to leave all equipment near the front door for easy access.

  2. If your pet requires food or medication, please make sure to leave those items prepared and in a designated area for the pet care professional to easily access and place down or administer.

  3. Washing and disinfecting leashes and collars will be required. If you are not able to wash and disinfect your pet’s equipment, please make sure to leave proper cleaning solution to wipe leashes and collars. If you need the walker to clean the equipment, make sure to LET US KNOW.

  4. If you have any symptoms or believe you have been in contact with somebody that may be infected, LET US KNOW and call the proper authorities.

  5. If Waggy tail does not already have a key and/or FOB to access your unit and if your building is working with a skeleton crew and may not have full front desk service or no front desk service at all, please make the proper arrangements to provide Waggy Tail with such access.

  6. For Boarding and Day Care services, please make sure to meet with the sitter outside (whether you are dropping off or we are picking up).

Our pet care professionals are dedicated to servicing you and your pets in this time of emergency and we will do our best to provide the same quality service you have always received while keeping you and your pets protected.

We urge you to keep yourself informed via official channels. We understand that there is a lot of information and rumors going around about the virus, how to treat it and our current situation, making sure you are getting the right information from the right source can actually save not only your life but other’s.

Lastly, thank YOU for being a part of Waggy Tail and providing us the opportunity to care for your loved ones. We are eternally grateful and truly miss all of the wet noses, furry paws and waggy tails. We look forward to getting back to our usual fur hug, chin scratch and butt rub.


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